Setting up your book
What will my book look like?
It looks good! But don’t take our word for it, take a look inside one of our books.
What are the dimensions of a cookbook?
The cookbook measures 210 mm wide by 230 high. The spine will vary depending on the number of pages.
How do I setup my first cookbook?
It’s really easy to create your first cookbook. Simply go to ‘Start your Book Today’, register as a member and log in to your account. Then follow the Step by Step instructions to creating a book and you are on your way!
How many pages and recipes in each book?
Your book needs to fill 100, 126 or 150 pages. Don’t panic if you don’t have enough recipes to fill the book, because we will add note pages at the end of your cookbook, where you can add new recipes as you collect them.
My book is more than 150 – can I still use your site to create it?
Yes, we can provide a quotation for printing your book with additional pages. Please contact us for your customised request.
Can I change the font?
No. The only fonts available are those shown in the two book layouts on the website. Look inside our books to see the selected fonts we use.
How do I add recipes to my cookbook?
Once your cookbook as been set up, click on the ‘Add Recipe’ tab and work your way through the relevant text boxes to add the ingredients, instructions and upload photos.
Do I have to add an image or quotation to every recipe?
If you leave the fields empty no image or quote will be printed and the page area will be left blank.
Can I add a recipe from a magazine or book?
You cannot directly replicate a recipe from a publication as this is a breach of copyright. However if you alter a recipe to your own tastes by changing an ingredient or the wording you are not in breach of copyright laws. Generally every person has their own interpretation of a recipe so there is unlikely to be any issues with copyright.
Can I edit or delete recipes?
You can change or delete any recipes from your account via the edit section. Contributors can edit and delete any of their recipes until they have set the status to submitted at which point no further changes can be made.
Can I have multiple recipes per page?
Each recipe is designed to fit on one single page or a double page spread and is determined by the recipe length.