How do I order my book?
Once you have approved your book proof, go to the order books page of our website. Where possible we recommend you check with your contributors to see if they want copies of the book and place one order, which will possibly save on cost and shipping. However, you can order more copies later if you wish.
What does printing cost?
Please visit our pricing page to see all costs for printing and postage.
How do I pay for my books?
All payments are made safely and securely via PayPal. You do not require a PayPal account, your transaction can be made by any valid credit card, for security this is via the PayPal portal. All prices are Australian Dollar. Overseas payments can be made via our online payment system. Conversion to your country’s currency will occur via your bank provider at time of transaction.
For larger quantity orders, payment can be made via direct credit to our bank account. To arrange this, contact us.
How do I make a cancellation?
Once a book has been ordered you cannot cancel the order as it has already been processed for production.
What if my book is damaged or I think there is a production defect?
Please take a photograph showing the damage or defect and email it to us quoting your invoice number and we will be in contact with you to discuss. Please note we only accept returns for books that we have confirmed as damaged in transit (which is unlikely due to our careful packaging) or have a production defect. If you have simply changed your mind we are unable to accept returns.
How do I reprint a book?
You can reprint an existing book or add new recipes and create a new version of the cookbook with additional recipes. Simply log in and click on your existing book to have it reprinted or add more recipes to it.